Monday, April 15, 2013

ride baby ride

Have you ever heard the saying that says your life is like a train and every person in your life represents a passenger? Those passengers get on your train and off again at any station along the track. Some may ride with you till the end of the track, others will only join you for a couple stops. Well, I always really agreed with this point of view and today even more. Lauren's winter here is over and yesterday I said goodbye to my lovely ponies and off course to 2 of my new friends My and Denise. They left with 8 horses, en route to Miami-Amsterdam-UK. Since I'm only 19 (u gotta be 21) I couldn't fly with the horses so I helped packing, cleaned up the last things once they were gone and I fly home tomorrow. Ok, enough with the plans, back to my train story. The reason I can relate to it so much here is because you meet the greatest variety of people during WEF. People with all sorts of backgrounds, nationalities etc. and they all have a different story. The people here who are my age or a bit older have already been to so many different places all over the world, it's amazing. And not just on holiday, they actually lived and worked there. We all come together here for 12 weeks and we are a bit sad when we then all spread out again. But it leaves you with friends in the most amazing places. (Ecuador, Sweden, France, Argentina etc etc). I learned so much this winter, about myself not the least, thanks to them. It makes my life feel so much richer! I know I could never give up on traveling. Even tho I hate the sight of an empty, packed up barn or house. It means another chapter is over, my train passed another station. Some of my passengers got off (for good or temporarily, only the future knows) and some just got on. I for sure am sad to leave this station since it was a big one and it taught me so much, but I'm also super excited for the next piece of my track and the next station!! I hope you join me for the ride!

Let's ride baby! Adios!

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