Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hi again! 

August is almost gone, next week college really-really starts and that means; holiday is over! I’ve had a great time doing all the things you don’t do a lot while around horses. (shopping..lots of shopping. Oh the guilty pleasure.) 

As you know from earlier entries, I actually did do some horse’ing around. I went to a couple shows and being there, especially around the ponies I’ve worked with, made me think of something. It made me think of the biggest reason, besides the riding, I’m looking forward to starting college. That reason being Love. 

Please, before you go there, I’m not referring to anything close to what is ought to come to mind when you hear ‘college’ and ‘love’ in one sentence! :) Let me explain. 

I’m a scorpio zodiac sign and even tho I’m absolutely not big on zodiac signs, there is this one characteristic typical for scorpios that could not be more true for me personally. I remember reading something about scorpios a bit difficult with trust and love. They say it takes a long time and quite an effort to make a scorpio trust and love someone, but once they do, their loyalty will be excessive. Now, I mean hey, I’m 19, I guess I know right about as much about love as I know about tomatoes, but.. this zodiac thing did come to mind when I was wondering why I’m looking forward to college/internship so much. 

It’s because of those damn horses I’m gonna be working with again. Practically 24/7 and by no means solitarily on their back, but I just get so pathetic with them. I love working with them, getting to know them, taking care of them all day long and the ones I get to know so well, absolutely gain all my trust and affection. Like I said, it’s so pathetic, but they are so much easier than people..! (And I don’t even have any real difficult people in my life haha) Anyway, when I knew I was going to see a few of Lauren’s horses at the show in Belgium, I was just so happy. Same story for when I flew out to Sloane in Virginia after a few weeks at home in April.. I couldn’t wait to see the ponies again. I miss them so much. 

Going to college and starting off with 3 months at Lansink’s, means that I get to bond with these lovely creatures again. Obviously, this feeling is mandatory for anyone who wishes to pursue a career involving horses, but that doesn’t make it any less serious or true. I look forward to having horses around me again whom I can cuddle, scratch-the-always-super-itchy-spots and just have fun with again. :-) I’ve missed it a lot during my little vacation and honestly, I wouldn’t have a clue what to do if I’d be going off to some college now, containing nothing equine! Brrr... horrible thought. 

After all these weeks, I can’t wait to give my unconditional love to them again. :)


Boy, I do really need a dog. 

PS. here are some pics of my august photo stream to entertain you. 

Laura & Monkey so super at GCT Valkenswaard

Tiffany Foster!

Ben Maher -- pic taken with my iPhone! Apple-i-love-u

VIP armparty whoop whoop

Reed in Valkenswaard

seat cushions at some random restaurant.. I want!!

a quick stop at the equine casino.. never good for my bank account but oh so nice!

Bronze for Sweden at the Euro Champs!!!!! Love it.

love this guy. Heja Sverige! #rolfgoranbengtsson

#ootd cavalleria toscana style, super brand. Italian, off course.

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